

詞彙 英譯文
我們全力強化戰力,但不會求戰。 Although we are strengthening our military capabilities, we do not seek war.
我們的善意不變、承諾不變,不會走回對抗的老路,但也不會在壓力下屈服。 Our goodwill will not change, our commitments will not change, we will not revert to the old path of confrontation, and we will not bow to pressure.
改革不能等,轉型必須急行軍。我們的腳步要穩健,但速度不能慢下來。 Change cannot wait and our efforts are a race against time. We steady our pace, but we cannot slow down.
改革沒有捷徑,走捷徑的改革通常不是真改革。 There is no shortcut to reform. Reforms that take shortcuts are usually not genuine reforms.
沒有真相,該過去的永遠不會過去。 Without truth, bygones can never be bygones.
防災重於救災,離災優於防災 emphasizing disaster preparedness over disaster relief, and evacuation over other preparedness measures
亞洲區域戰略 strategy for Asia
侍從武官 aide-de-camp
侍衛 security guard
侍衛官 security officer
侍衛長 chief aide-de-camp to the president
侍衛室 Department of Security Affairs
兩岸關係不會暴走、不會僵住、也不會走回在國民黨威權時代,不相往來的老路。 Cross-strait relations will not be reckless. They will not be deadlocked. They won't return to the standoff we saw during the authoritarian Kuomintang era of the past.
到任國書 credentials; letter of credence
和平的堅定維護者 staunch guardian of peace
和平的積極溝通者 proactive communicator for peace
和平締造者 peacemaker
忠勇勳章 Order of Loyalty and Valour
忠勤勳章 Order of Loyalty and Diligence
放下歷史包袱,展開良性對話,造福兩岸人民  to set aside the baggage of history, and engage in positive dialogue for the benefit of people on both sides
第6 頁 共14頁
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