雲麾勳章 |
Order of Resplendent Banner |
解嚴 |
terminate martial law |
資政 |
senior advisor to the president |
榮典之璽 |
Seal of Honor |
管理師 |
systems coordinator |
締結條約 |
conclude treaties |
編審 |
executive officer |
褒揚令 |
Presidential Citation |
勳刀 |
Honor Sabre |
戰略顧問 |
military strategy advisor to the president |
機要室 |
Department of Special Affairs |
諮議 |
staff consultant |
辦事員 |
clerk |
總統 |
president |
總統令 |
Presidential Order |
總統府 |
Office of the President |
總統府公報 |
Presidential Office Gazette |
總統府音樂會 |
Presidential Office Concert |
總統府展覽 |
Presidential Office Exhibit |
醫官 |
medical officer |