

詞彙 英譯文
「找得到、看得到、用得到、付得起」的長期照顧服務 a long-term care policy that people can "find, see, access and afford" care services
「長留久用」的軍人退撫新制度 a new retirement system that rewards military retirees based on their length of service
2017,我們一起 United Together in 2017
一個「政府付得起、退休領得到」、「現在領得到、未來也領得到」的永續年金制度 a sustainable pension system under which the government can afford to pay for pensions, and retirees can receive them, now and in the future
一等卿雲勳章(特種大綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Grand Cordon
一等復興榮譽勳章 Order of Renaissance and Honour, First Class
一等景星勳章(特種大綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon
一等雲麾勳章(特種大綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Special Grand Cordon
一等醒獅勳刀 Honour Sabre of the Awakened Lion, First Class
一等寶鼎勳章(特種大綬) Order of Precious Tripod with Special Grand Cordon
七等卿雲勳章(襟綬附勳表) Order of Propitious Clouds with Rosette
七等景星勳章(襟綬附勳表) Order of Brilliant Star with Rosette
七等雲麾勳章(襟綬附勳表) Order of Resplendent Banner with Rosette
七等寶鼎勳章(襟綬附勳表) Order of Precious Tripod with Rosette
九等卿雲勳章(襟綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Ribbon
九等景星勳章(襟綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Ribbon
九等雲麾勳章(襟綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Ribbon
九等寶鼎勳章(襟綬) Order of Precious Tripod with Ribbon
二等卿雲勳章(大綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Grand Cordon
二等復興榮譽勳章 Order of Renaissance and Honour, Second Class
第1 頁 共14頁
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