

詞彙 英譯文
人事處 Personnel Department
八等卿雲勳章(特種襟綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Ribbon
八等景星勳章(特種襟綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Special Ribbon
八等雲麾勳章(特種襟綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Special Ribbon
八等寶鼎勳章(特種襟綬) Order of Precious Tripod with Special Ribbon
三等卿雲勳章(綠色大綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Green Grand Cordon
三等復興榮譽勳章 Order of Renaissance and Honor, Third Class
三等景星勳章(紫色大綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Violet Grand Cordon
三等雲麾勳章(黃色大綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Yellow Grand Cordon
三等醒獅勳刀 Honor Sabre of the Awakened Lion, Third Class
三等寶鼎勳章(紅色大綬) Order of Precious Tripod with Red Grand Cordon
大同勳章 Order of Grand Community
大赦,特赦,減刑及復權 grant amnesties, pardons, remission of sentences, and restitution of civil rights
大禮堂 Reception Hall
中山勳章 Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen with Grand Cordon
中正勳章 Order of Chiang Chung-cheng with Grand Cordon
中華民國之璽 Seal of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
五等卿雲勳章(領綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Cravat
五等景星勳章(領綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Cravat
五等雲麾勳章(領綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Cravat