

詞彙 英譯文
主任 director
主任醫官 chief medical officer
主計處 Accounting Department
以故鄉為傲,以臺灣為榮 make everyone proud of their homeland, and proud to be Taiwanese
加速推動結構轉型 accelerate measures to restructure the economy
北苑 North Courtyard
召開國家安全會議 convene a national security meeting
司法改革國是會議 National Conference on Judicial Reform
司法改革國是會議籌備委員會 Preparatory Committee for the National Conference on Judicial Reform
台灣虹廳 Rainbow Room
台灣晴廳 President's Hall
台灣精神 Taiwan spirit
台灣綠廳 Taiwan Heritage Room
四等卿雲勳章(特種領綬) Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Cravat
四等景星勳章(特種領綬) Order of Brilliant Star with Special Cravat
四等雲麾勳章(特種領綬) Order of Resplendent Banner with Special Cravat
四等寶鼎勳章(特種領綬) Order of Precious Tripod with Special Cravat
平等、尊嚴、有貢獻的參與國際組織跟活動  to participate with equality and dignity in international organizations and activities, and to make contributions thereto
平等、尊嚴與互惠 equality, dignity, and reciprocity
打造一個可以回應社會與經濟問題的「有效率的民主」 to build an "efficient democracy" that responds to the problems of society and economy
第4 頁 共14頁
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Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs