

詞彙 英譯文
資源整合者 a resource consolidator
對南海議題提出「四點原則」和「五項做法」 put forth "four principles" and "five actions" with regard to the South China Sea issue
對這些共享價值的攻擊,就是對我們全體的攻擊。 Any attack on these shared values is an attack on us all.
榮典之璽 Seal of Honor
管理師 systems coordinator
綠色的未來,就是臺灣的未來。 Taiwan's future is a green future.
維持一個穩定、一致、可預測的兩岸關係 maintain stable, consistent and predictable cross-strait relations
臺灣人做你後盾、全世界為你喝采 The people of Taiwan stand by you, and the world cheers for you.
臺灣的經濟發展,是成功的範例;我們的民主成就,更是亞洲的典範。 Taiwan is an example of successful economic development, and our democratic accomplishments stand as a model for Asia.
臺灣是多元美麗的臺灣,是原住民族的臺灣。 Taiwan is a country of diversity and beauty that respects indigenous peoples.
臺灣是國際社會不可缺少的一員。 Taiwan is an indispensable member of the international community.
臺灣將再起 turning Taiwan into a tiger again
銘傳廳 Liu Ming-chuan Hall
增進相互理解,穩步拓展雙向交流,強化全面的夥伴關係  strengthen mutual understanding, steadily expand two-way exchanges, forge strong and comprehensive partnerships
確保一個世代不破產的年金制度 ensuring that the reformed pension system remains viable for a generation
締結條約 conclude treaties
編審 executive officer
褒揚令 Presidential Citation
踏實外交 steadfast diplomacy
踏實外交,互惠互助 steadfast diplomacy and mutual assistance for mutual benefits
第12 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs