

詞彙 英譯文
勳刀 Honour Sabre
戰略顧問 military strategy advisor to the president
整合高鐵、台鐵及各地方捷運的綠色軌道運輸系統 build-up of a green rail transport system that integrates Taiwan High Speed Rail, the Taiwan Railways Administration, and local mass rapid transit systems
機要室 Department of Special Affairs
親眼所見,親身經歷 see and experience things first-hand
諮議 staff consultant
辦事員 clerk
擱置爭議,共同開發 set aside differences and promote joint development
總統 president
總統令 Presidential Order
總統府 Office of the President
總統府公報 Presidential Office Gazette
總統府音樂會 Presidential Office Year-End Concert
總統府原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會 Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee
總統府原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會預備會議 a preparatory meeting for establishment of the Presidential Office Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee
總統府展覽 Presidential Office Exhibit
總統辦公室 President's private office
聯合公報 joint communiqué
邁入高齡化社會所需要的軟硬體基礎設施 soft and hard infrastructure needed for an ageing society
擴大兩岸交流,增進互利雙贏 expansion of cross-strait exchanges and mutual benefits
第13 頁 共14頁
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