







In this year’s National Day address, I told the people of Taiwan that Taiwan is facing a complex regional landscape and unprecedented challenges. I’ve noticed that some international media reported on the Taiwanese people’s calmness and not becoming anxious in the face of challenges. I think this can be a good starting point for our conversation today:


The story of Taiwan is one of resilience. Recent PLA military activities have made people outside ask why Taiwanese people remain calm and business goes on as usual. It's not that Taiwanese people are not sensitive to the much intensified military activities of the PLA. In fact, we are calm but alert. It is because the Taiwanese people have never been short of challenges and crises, political or otherwise, in the past seven decades since the end of World War II.


For instance, the attempted Chinese military invasion of Kinmen in 1958, loss of UN membership and most of our diplomatic allies in the 1970s, 38 years of rule under martial law, the missile crisis in 1996, and the financial crisis in 1997. We also survived the SARS epidemic in 2003, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Taiwan has again and again come through challenges. At the same time, we have progressed from poverty to prosperity, and advanced from authoritarianism to democracy. The history of Taiwan tells us that if we are firm and believe in ourselves, we will definitely find our own path to survive and thrive. And this is the resilience of Taiwan.


While we are under increasing threats from China, our economy continues to grow at a very impressive rate and is rated by international institutions to be one of the most competitive economies in the world. We have a strong high-tech industry, a high-caliber and globalized workforce, and an open, transparent, and healthy market.


We have actually proven to the world that we are not only surviving well, we are also an indispensable part of the global economy and supply chain.


We want to be an active participant and a helpful force to the world; and of course, we need the support of the world for the continued survival and prosperity of Taiwan. Democracy and freedom is our way of life, and how we make friends and connect with the world.


We are faced with China’s military expansion in the Taiwan Strait and in the region every day. China has never abandoned its military ambition toward Taiwan. I want to emphasize that Taiwan will not bend to pressure, nor will it turn adventurist. But if our democracy and way of life are threatened, Taiwan will do whatever it takes to defend itself.


We will continue to increase our self-defense capabilities and asymmetric warfare capabilities as well. Taiwan is also prepared to work with regional actors to ensure regional peace, stability, and prosperous development.


However, a bigger challenge comes from the disinformation, infiltration, and other tactics deployed by external forces to polarize Taiwan’s society. This is a major challenge that Taiwan faces every day. As external forces attempt to use Taiwan’s democratic system to disrupt Taiwan’s democratic way of life, the Taiwanese people have become more aware and capable in responding to such corrosive behavior. We have experiences which we would like to share with other countries faced with such intrusions. However, I want to say that this challenge will not end soon. It will last as long as China’s ambition is there.


When authoritarian regimes demonstrate expansionist intentions, democratic countries should come together to safeguard their shared values. Taiwan stands on the front lines of the global democratic community.


Taiwan is also a secure and reliable partner in global supply chains, and a trustworthy partner in international trade.


Taiwan is situated in a critical position, as we all embark on the endeavor to protect our common interests and defend our shared values. I believe the world cannot do without Taiwan, a force for good.




Q: You said something at the temple yesterday. That democracy is messy but it is worth defending. And I thought that was really, really important, because here in Taiwan democracy is messy. People have brawls in the parliament. You are the opposite of that. You are just so prepared and precise. And yet you are defending this system at the time that it is truly under attack. What is your message to the world?


A: People have doubts about democratic systems, because sometimes it can create chaos and democratic institutions may not be as efficient as you want them to be. Democratic processes may be tedious, but the experience we have is that despite all of these things you want to be critical about, a democratic system is still the best.



Q: Do you feel democracy is under attack?


A: Here it is. Every day there are so many disinformation campaigns going on here. People carry out all these campaigns with different intentions. But essentially they want to disrupt the government.



Q: Where is disinformation coming from?


A: From all the sources, externally and internally.



Q: Is it from China? From mainland China?


A: Some of the attacks are from China.



Q: Do you think the purpose is to create doubt in your government?


A: Yes, and create doubt in democracy.



Q: You have one of the most free and open internet systems in the whole world. Does that make you more vulnerable to the source of these attacks?


A: To a certain extent, that is right. There is so much information flowing around on the internet, and people are so used to going on the internet to receive information to read news. Sometimes some information is not checked or confirmed by people with authority or credible people. If you are not fast enough to make clarifications or correct whatever mistake, you are concerned that people may be misled.



Q: Your government’s response to disinformation has not been to censor it or to shut down, but actually to become more transparent.

總統:是的,沒錯。這就是我們從COVID-19 疫情中所學習到的。我們設立中央指揮中心,每天召開疫情說明的記者會,回答媒體或民眾的所有問題,澄清一切,以免民眾被誤導。

A: Yes, and this is what we have learned from the COVID-19 exercise. We set up a command center which gives a news brief every day. They have sat down and answered all of the questions from the press or the general public. They want to clarify everything that needs to be clarified so that people will not be misled.


問:一個2,300萬人口的小島如何抵禦一個15億人口、軍事花費是臺灣 15 倍的威權政體?

Q: How does a small island of 23 million people defend itself against one and a half billion people of an authoritarian regime that spends 15 times than what you do in defense?


A: I think the most important thing is the will of the people here and their belief in democracy. The will to defend our democratic freedom and democratic way of life. This is something all Taiwanese believe in, which is worthwhile defending.



Q: When you say people participate in the democratic process, do you mean enlisting in the military?


A: In every aspect. It is important for them to participate in the democratic process, so that they can get their voice heard. Their opinions matter in a democratic process. Also, if people have the will to defend Taiwan, many polls suggest that the younger generation think that they have an obligation to defend it as a soldier or as an important member of society, to defend Taiwan’s democracy.



Q: But you are phasing out conscription. Some have said that Taiwan will have to essentially be a garrison state and spend so much more on defense and actually engaging China in a sort of military escalation. You talked about the relaxed mood and the fact that Taiwan people are vigilant but they go on with their lives. Do you think the people of Taiwan are aware of what could happen if Beijing decided this is when they are taking back what they think is theirs?


A: But as I have said, we are not relaxed about the situation now. In fact, people are sensitive enough to know the seriousness of this threat. But we are calm and very alert to the situation. Because we have gone through so many challenges and crises in the past. People are generally very resilient now, and they believe in what we can do and believe in the values that are considered very valuable to us.



Q: Is Taiwan more safe today than it was when you became President in 2016?


A: Depending on how you define it. If it is the threat from China, it is increasing every day. But there is increasing awareness of the situation we are in. And a will is generating now that we will have to be more united and prepared to defend whatever we have now. This is important. You need people to know where we are—what we are in—and get prepared for whatever may happen in the future. Also, the international community now is more aware of the situation in Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait. We see more and more support from the international community, which is very important and encouraging to people in Taiwan. It makes them feel more confident. When we do what we can, the people outside will come to our aid.



Q: What is the role of the US?


A: The US has been our largest market for Taiwanese products. And almost our only source where we can acquire military weapons to defend ourselves. They also provide support to Taiwan so that we will be able to become an international actor or regional actor and less isolated.



Q: Does that support include sending some US service members to help to train Taiwanese troops?


A: Yes, we have a wide range of cooperation with the US aiming at increasing our defense capability.



Q: How many US service members are deployed in Taiwan right now?


A: Not as many as people thought.



Q: Is it a couple of dozen like the reports yesterday?


A: Let’s not be precise.



Q: The fact that this information got out, do you think it is helpful in your relationship with the mainland? Were you concerned then or now that it has been reported?


A: Well, there are a lot of reports, some are facts but some are not quite correct. You have so much information around. Decision makers who are responsible for making the right decision should not be affected by any single piece of information.



Q: The United States is looking for ways to try to expand Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations. Do you support those discussions? Would you like a greater role at the UN for Taiwan?


A: Of course, that has been a position that is supported by all the political parties here. We want to have an opportunity to be a meaningful participant in the UN system.



Q: Do you worry about what China’s reaction would be as you take these steps, as these doors are opened? Do you worry that there could be a backlash?


A: No. I think that it is a situation where we have expressed our hope that we want to be part of the UN system, and China has their story to tell, and it is for the international community to judge.



Q: When President Biden said last week that the US has the commitment to defend Taiwan in the event of an attack, some have said that it takes away some of the impact of long-standing strategic ambiguity, which has helped maintain stability over the last decades. Did you have that concern when you heard those remarks?


A: People have different interpretations of what President Biden has said. But as I said, we are in the situation where your decision is not going to be based on a single piece of information—a decision must take into account all the situations and also all the factors, and then you make the right decision for your people.



Q: Do you have faith that the United States would defend Taiwan if the mainland were to try to move on Taiwan?


A: I do have faith given the long-term relationship that we have with the US, and also the support of the people of the US as well as the Congress and the administration, which has been very helpful.



Q: You are the leader of the island. As things stand, you said it is a priority to defend the island.


A: Let me tell you that if we have the will to defend ourselves and we put in all sorts of efforts, then we can defend ourselves. I think people would come to our aid, and that is a very important determining factor in deciding whether the PLA would succeed in its invasion.



Q: Does that include Japan, which is now putting missiles on an island near Taiwan, with troops to follow in the coming months?


A: Taiwan is not alone, because we are a democracy. We respect freedom. We are peace lovers. We share values with most of the countries in the region. Geographically, we are of strategic importance as well, so I think countries in the region have a common interest to make sure that Taiwan is safe.



Q: What happens if Taiwan’s democracy is taken over? What would be the consequences for not just Taiwan, but for the world at large?


A: First of all, for the region: the people in the region would be concerned that their own democracy is going to be ruined because they could see the situation in Taiwan. And also, people would be concerned whether they would be subjected to any source of constraint from external sources and therefore be unable to make decisions for themselves.



Q: You have actually written that Taiwan represents the fight of the future of democracy, and that it could actually change the world order depending on what happens here.


A: Yes. I think we are a beacon of some sort. Here 23 million people try hard every day to protect themselves and protect our democracy and make sure that people have the kind of freedom they deserve. This is what other people want to have as well. So, if we fail, that means that people that believe in these values would doubt whether these values are worth fighting for.



Q: What do you make of Xi Jinping?


A: Xi Jinping is the leader of a very large country. Unfortunately, it is not a democratic country, at least for the moment. It is not going to be an easy job to run a country of that size. But it is the leader’s decision as to what sort of system would be best for running a country of that size. But what is important also is the leader’s view as to what sort of relationship a country of that size wants to have with the rest of the region and the rest of the world. Does Xi want to have a peaceful relationship with everybody in the region or in the world? Or does Xi want to be in a dominant position so that everybody listens to him, listens to China, and does not necessarily like China? So, it is a matter of choice. I am sure many people would say, “We would like to have a peaceful relationship with the rest of the world and the rest of the region,” and that includes Taiwan.



Q: Are you interested in speaking with President Xi? Would you like to have more communication?


A: More communication would be helpful. That would reduce misunderstanding, avoid misunderstanding. We would be able to know each other better, and we have said it again and again that we want to have a dialogue with China, and this is the best way to avoid misunderstanding, miscalculation, and misjudgment in the management of cross-strait relations.



Q: Your predecessor did meet with President Xi. Why do you think the communication has really gone sour since 2016?


A: I think the situation has changed a lot, and China’s plan towards the region is very different from before. It is more ambitious, more expansionist, and therefore things that were acceptable to them then may not be acceptable to them now.



Q: What do you think it is going to take to get that communication line back open?


A: I think it requires the efforts of all the parties concerned, and we have said again and again that a dialogue is very important and that we want to have a peaceful relationship with China. Therefore, we would like to be patient, and so we have been maintaining the status quo as the core of our policy, meaning that we are patient. And we want to have a meaningful exchange with China so that we can together explore the possibilities of reducing the differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and hopefully, eventually, be able to find a path to resolve all these differences. 



Q: Do you believe that the “one China policy” in any form would be acceptable for the people of Taiwan?


A: Well, there are all kinds of “one China policies.” The US has its own “one China policy,” but China has the “one China principle” as demonstrated in Hong Kong, and that makes “one country, two systems” meaningless.



Q: So, you don’t believe that China’s “one country, two systems” would actually be delivered here in Taiwan?


A: It is the issue of credibility, and the Taiwanese people have said clearly that they do not accept “one country, two systems” as the formula that can resolve cross-strait issues.



Q: And that was the key issue that caused you to win reelection by a large number. Now the tensions are escalating; you have military incursions and disinformation. What is your strategy to make sure Taiwan remains being Taiwan for the rest of your term and beyond?


A: We have to perform well with good governance, so that people will have faith in democracy. We have to be effective in running the country and get the economy going.



Q: Fastest growing in 2020.


A: Yes, that’s right, and this is exactly what we are trying to tell people—that a democratic country or government can be effective in addressing all sorts of difficulties that we are faced with. Secondly, we have to expedite our military reform, so that we have the ability to defend ourselves, given the size of Taiwan compared to the size of the PRC. Developing asymmetric capabilities is the key for us. Thirdly, I think what is most important is that we are faced with rapid global change, and therefore every country is facing the issue that some people cannot survive in the time of rapid change. As a result, you have to provide care and help these people. So, what I want to do in the next two and a half years is to continue with my effort to improve all the care systems so that elders and the disadvantaged and young people will be better taken care of, so that young people can have a social security net. With this in place, they can become more competitive and willing to try new things.



Q: You mentioned how Taiwan may not have a lot of formal diplomatic allies but does have a lot of friends, and you also have a lot who want chips made in Taiwan. How does the semiconductor industry factor into your goals in terms of getting support globally? 


A: The semiconductor industry is the leading industry here. It represents the ability of Taiwan to produce products that are critical for global development. And that requires a good industrial base, good infrastructure, and abundant supplies of talent. On the one hand, the semiconductor industry has proven to the world that they are very important, and it also demonstrates what Taiwan can achieve, that we have a good industrial base and abundant supplies of talent.



Q: Do the tensions with the mainland threaten the supply chain in any way?


A: Yes, the threat is there, but it is still manageable at this moment. The world looks at the semiconductor industry as something they should help and protect. China must also consider that it also wants semiconductors from Taiwan.



Q: Do you ever think about the realistic possibility of war and that Taiwan would be the target?


A: Well, as a leader, you cannot exclude any possibilities. As a leader, you have to prepare for any contingency.



Q: So how prepared is Taiwan today?


A: We are making ourselves ready. We are trying to be stronger in every aspect, including military capabilities and getting international support, as well as sharing values with other countries so that they understand the importance of Taiwan.



Q: How are you preparing for the threats from climate change, and also difficulties with energy production?


A: This is a serious challenge for Taiwan as well as for other countries. Taiwan has a large industrial sector, which requires a lot of electricity supply and water. While we are making plans to meet the requirement of net zero by 2050, we also have to make sure industries have enough water and electricity supply to operate. So it is going to be a very difficult challenge for us, but we have to draw, refine, and execute a plan to meet these challenges. It is a matter of refining the plan and executing the plan at a speed that is required for us to meet the 2050 deadline.



Q: You are the leader of one of the most progressive societies in Asia. You support indigenous people and LGBTQ+ people. This is the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. What motivates your support of minorities and willingness to embrace their differences?


A: I have done all this with the help of young people because they believe in these values. They want to achieve this level of equality. When the DPP started this campaign for marriage equality, we were under a lot of pressure because people were against us for religious and other reasons. We almost had a political crisis. But it is the young people who are very persistent. They are the force behind me. Eventually we had the support of the grand justices, who issued a constitutional interpretation to tell people that this is what to do. And then we had a referendum that some saw as a defeat to us, but eventually we passed the legislation that provides marriage equality. It is a very difficult process, but looking back, I think it is worthwhile.



Q: When you look and think about your legacy, you still have plenty of time left, but when people look back at your two terms, what do you want them to most remember about your time as the leader of Taiwan?


A: I hope they will remember me as someone who makes utmost effort to protect this place, make this place more secure, more resilient, and people more united.



Q: Do you believe that you are moving closer to that goal now?


A: We are moving toward the that direction, and I hope we can move at a faster speed.



Q: As you do not have to worry about reelection, what is your biggest remaining goal that you have not done yet?


A: As to what I want to achieve as the President of this country, I have laid out a plan in 2016 when I became the President. We are implementing the plan and modifying the plan when necessary, so we are moving toward the plan. But we have to move faster to those goals. Essentially, I want to do the following: expedite our military reform so that we can better protect our country; and secondly, we want to make Taiwan better connected with the world, and therefore we want to make friends with shared values. We already have international support, a lot of support already, but we want more. Thirdly, I want to build a stronger consensus among our people here. Taiwan is an immigration society, people came to Taiwan in different times and have different memories from the past. The way we try to avoid the society being divided by external influence is to generate consensus here in a democratic way, so that people will be more united and resilient.


And as I said, we have to make sure that all our care systems are in place, so that we have a complete social safety net. The other thing on which we have to move faster is the energy area since we have the challenge of net zero by 2050, and therefore we have to move fast in that direction. We have to move fast in carbon emission reduction and carry out industrial restructuring and transition. And increase the ability to respond to natural disasters originating from climate change and extreme weather.


Essentially, making this place more resilient—in terms of the will of the people to overcome difficulties, the strength of our military and economy, and the resilience of infrastructure—is what I want to do for the rest of my term.



Q: Do you believe that it is possible for democratic Taiwan and authoritarian China to coexist peacefully, or does one side need to make concessions?


A: This is probably the most challenging issue for the people here in Taiwan and for people in China, or even for the people in the world. Although we have differences in political systems, we can still sit down and talk about our differences and make arrangements so that we would be able to coexist peacefully. I think it is the expectation of the people here, and I hope it is the expectation for the people in China, as well as people in the region.



Q: Do you have a message for Xi?


A: I would encourage him to have more dialogue with the government and the people here in Taiwan to get a better feel what it is like in Taiwan. And of course, we will do more to communicate with China.



Q: Any other message to your friends around the world? Or anything else that is important that you want to say?


A: The existence of Taiwan is very important to the region and to the world. While we are trying to make ourselves stronger to protect ourselves, we also need the help of the world. It is meaningful to support Taiwan.



Q: Why should the world care about Taiwan?


A: We need Taiwan to show that democracy works. We need Taiwan to show that with the help of the international community, even a small party can survive while under threat from a bigger party.



Q: How to modernize the military and build asymmetric capabilities? What are the specific steps to achieve that?


A: We are a smaller place than China, so we need to use our resources more efficiently. We are focusing on weapons that are mobile and lethal as well. This is an area of emphasis in our military reform. We have this military tradition, a system that was developed and inherited from China, which was designed to protect a big piece of land. And the way you protect a big piece of land is very different from protecting a small island. So we have to change the traditional thinking of how the military should be structured.



Q: I was reading something about the porcupine strategy…


A: That is the thought.



Q: Is Taiwan’s strategy to try to defend for a period of time until you get help from other countries?


A: We definitely want to defend ourselves as long as we can, but let me reiterate -- it is important that we have the support from our friends and also like-minded countries.



Q: Do you believe the US and Japan would come to Taiwan’s aid?


A: One way or another.



Q: Do you think we are caught up in an arms race in the region right now?


A: I think the best way to address this issue is for all the parties to sit down and talk about how we are going to deal with each other peacefully in this region.



Q: Would you like Taiwan to be the central part of that discussion?


A: Definitely.

接見美國智庫蘭德公司主任白明 盼攜手合作強化社會韌性 確保臺灣持續蓬勃發展
蕭美琴副總統今(18)日上午接見美國智庫「蘭德公司(RAND)」中國研究中心主任白明(Jude Blanchette)乙行,感謝訪賓對臺灣的關注,以及探討如何提升我國整體韌性所做的努力。並表示,臺灣處於複雜的地緣政治環境中,期盼在此關鍵時刻與訪賓攜手合作,加速強化社會韌性,確保臺灣持續蓬勃發展。 副總統致詞時首先歡迎訪賓到來,感謝大家對臺灣的關心,特別是關注雙方在區域安全與人民福祉方面的共同利益,以及探討如何有效提升臺灣整體韌性所做的努力。「韌性」ㄧ直是總統重視的議題,因此他特別成立「全社會防衛韌性委員會」,整合全社會力量來強化臺灣的韌性與防衛能力。她認為,訪賓許多的研究與發現,都與臺灣政府帶領人民前進的方向十分契合。 副總統指出,臺灣處於複雜的地緣政治環境中,其中最主要的挑戰來自中國日益升高的軍事威脅。此外,我們社會也面臨許多灰色地帶侵擾與混合威脅,近期發生的海底電纜斷裂即是一項例證。來自威權主義的挑戰不僅發生在臺灣,包含波羅的海等國家也面臨到類似情況。 副總統期盼,能在此關鍵時刻與具有專業見解的訪賓攜手合作,加速強化社會韌性,確保臺灣在安全受到日益嚴重威脅的情況下,持續蓬勃發展。 訪賓一行尚包括「戰略曁國際研究中心」(CSIS)防衛安全計畫主席瓊斯(Seth Jones)及戰爭、非常態威脅曁恐怖主義計畫主任戴伯曼(Daniel Byman)等,由外交部次長陳立國陪同,前來總統府拜會副總統。
總統接見「台英國會小組」訪團 期待持續深化臺英關係 共創互利雙贏
賴清德總統今(18)日上午接見英國國會「台英國會小組」訪問團,感謝訪賓及英國國會和政府持續透過各種方式,展現對臺灣的支持。並指出,臺英關係近年來有顯著進展,雙邊簽署的「提升貿易夥伴關係協議」(ETP),是臺灣和歐洲國家第一個雙邊經貿制度化架構。也期待未來持續深化臺英關係,共同維護區域與世界和平穩定,一起創造臺灣與英國、臺灣與歐洲各國的互利雙贏。 總統致詞時首先對於各位議員在英國國會新屆會期,首度組團訪問臺灣,代表臺灣人民表達誠摯歡迎之意。並提到,柴萍恩(Sarah Champion)主席去年5月來臺參加他和蕭美琴副總統就職典禮,7月也不遠千里而來出席「對中政策跨國議會聯盟」(IPAC)臺北年會,今天很高興能在總統府再次見面。 總統表示,臺英關係近年來有顯著進展,他要特別感謝各位貴賓以及英國國會和政府,持續透過各種方式展現對臺灣的支持。像是英國下議院去年11月,針對「臺灣的國際地位」進行辯論,會後無異議通過友台動議,明確指出「聯大第2758號決議並未提及臺灣」。而英國外交部韋斯特(Catherine West)副大臣也回應表示,「英國反對任何擴大解釋該決議,以改寫歷史的企圖」,在在顯示臺英雙邊關係的具體進展。 總統感謝英國國會和政府,多次公開反對片面改變臺海現狀,並強調印太與跨大西洋區域的安全不可分割。未來期待持續深化臺英關係,共同維護區域與世界和平穩定,也一起創造臺灣與英國、臺灣與歐洲各國的互利雙贏。 總統指出,例如臺英簽署的「提升貿易夥伴關係協議」,是臺灣和歐洲國家第一個雙邊經貿制度化架構。希望在投資、數位貿易、能源與淨零轉型等三項議題上進行協商合作,也能儘速完成談判,並簽署子協議,促成臺英更多交流合作。也期待英國繼續支持臺灣加入「跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定」(CPTPP),讓雙方能夠一起打造更具韌性的國際供應鏈,為世界繁榮發展做出更多貢獻。 總統相信,各位貴賓的來訪,將為臺英未來合作奠定更深厚基礎。再次感謝訪賓對臺灣的支持,也祝福此行有豐碩成果。 柴萍恩主席致詞時感謝賴總統溫暖的歡迎,以及訪團此行所受款待;並感謝臺灣優秀的外交團隊對他們的關心與照顧。 柴萍恩主席認為,去年7月「對中政策跨國議會聯盟」(IPAC)臺北年會非常重要,來自23個國家的議員到這裡,表達對臺灣的支持,這是大家自那次會議後一直努力的方向。她也很自豪英國國會通過了友臺動議,明確指出聯大第2758號決議是針對中國、且僅限於中國,這是強而有力的論述。 柴萍恩主席提到,英國歷經大選後,超過一半的國會議員是新科議員,她很自豪此次訪團也有新議員的參與,希望能讓賴總統感受到,他們對臺灣的承諾依然堅定不變。 柴萍恩主席指出,「台英國會小組」是跨黨派團體,彼此為了共同利益一起合作,而對英國、甚至全世界來說,維護臺灣的主權是共同利益。美國現在已明確表示支持臺灣,希望能鼓勵世界其他國家也進而表達同樣的支持。 柴萍恩主席說,臺英即將舉行第27次經貿對話會議,希望將發展成富有成果的夥伴關係。她很高興此行能與賴總統以及立法院、各部會首長見面,更深入了解臺灣文化,期許建立雙邊更深厚、長久的友誼。 訪賓一行尚包括英國國會上議院議員浦維司(Lord Purvis of Tweed)勳爵、下議院議員史班瑟(Ben Spencer)、杜麗茉(Helena Dollimore)、羅諾雅(Noah Law)及黎德(David Reed)等,由外交部次長吳志中及英國在台辦事處署長何泰曦(Natasha Harrington)陪同,前來總統府晉見總統,總統府秘書長潘孟安也在座。
副總統接見美國前白宮副國安顧問博明 強調臺灣面臨各項挑戰 需全民參與以共同強化社會韌性
蕭美琴副總統今(17)日下午接見美國前白宮副國安顧問博明(Matthew Pottinger)乙行時表示,臺灣正面臨複雜的安全挑戰,除了政府必須採取全面的策略外,也需要全民共同參與。期盼持續擴大民間參與及廣納專業意見,共同強化臺灣抵禦各種挑戰的韌性。 副總統致詞時,首先歡迎博明副國安顧問再次來訪,並提到,很高興看到他的著作《沸騰的護城河》已發行中文版,讓更多臺灣人有機會閱讀。 副總統指出,臺灣正面臨非常複雜的安全挑戰,社會大眾理當有了解的權利,並更積極地參與賴總統所提倡的全社會防衛韌性。期盼在賴總統的領導下,進一步邀集更多民間部門參與,強化臺灣抵禦各種挑戰的韌性。 副總統進一步指出,臺灣的海底電纜近期遭到破壞和干擾,即是灰色地帶侵擾的具體例證。為了確保電信通訊及其他攸關社會穩定和繁榮基礎設施的韌性,涉及層面包羅萬象,需要全民共同參與。 副總統表示,臺灣正從以往的全政府動員,邁向全社會參與。考量臺灣天然災害的發生頻率與未來可能面臨的挑戰,政府已著手強化電信通訊韌性,在過去一年的幾次天災和突發狀況中,也啟用了部分衛星通訊系統。而社會大眾也逐漸明白,強化通訊網路韌性,有助於經濟繁榮與社會穩定。 副總統強調,民眾對防衛韌性的意識正逐漸提升,但我們仍需進一步擴展相關的對話和討論。賴總統邀請社會各界代表參與「全社會防衛韌性委員會」就是一個非常重要的指標,顯示臺灣正努力擴大民間參與及廣納專業意見,持續推動這場重要的戰略對話。 訪賓一行由外交部次長吳志中陪同,前來總統府拜會副總統。
總統接見美國前白宮副國安顧問博明 強調持續提升自我防衛力量 期盼進一步深化臺美夥伴關係
賴清德總統今(17)日上午接見美國前白宮副國安顧問博明(Matthew Pottinger)乙行,感謝訪賓來訪展現對臺灣的堅定支持。並表示,面對威權主義為地緣政治、區域安全帶來的風險和挑戰,我們唯有強化國防實力才能發揮嚇阻力量,維持臺海與世界的和平穩定。未來,臺灣會持續提升自我防衛力量,也期盼跟美國進一步強化夥伴關係,共同打造「非紅供應鏈」,確保臺灣、美國與全球民主夥伴,持續保有科技優勢。 總統致詞時表示,今天非常高興歡迎臺灣的好朋友,博明副國安顧問和蒙哥馬利(Mark Montgomery)海軍少將再次訪問臺灣。去年6月,博明副國安顧問和簡以榮(Ivan Kanapathy)先生來臺灣發表合著的新書—《沸騰的護城河》,也來到總統府拜訪。當時我們也在綠廳相談甚歡,對於臺美關係、區域情勢等議題充分交流意見。 總統說,如今8個月後再次見面,很高興聽聞簡以榮先生已進入白宮國安會服務,《沸騰的護城河》中文版也即將在臺灣發行。這本書提供了美國專家對美中臺關係的精闢洞察,也對臺灣強化國防安全與全方位韌性提出寶貴建言。相信臺灣讀者必定獲益良多。 總統指出,蒙哥馬利海軍少將是第4次訪問臺灣,也長期關注臺灣議題。今天很期待跟2位好朋友深入討論臺美關係合作方向。面對威權主義國家彼此之間強化合作,為地緣政治、區域安全都帶來風險和挑戰;我們都有共同的信念,就是靠實力來達到和平。唯有強化國防實力、打造堅固的「金城湯池」,才能發揮嚇阻的力量,維持臺海與世界的和平穩定。 總統說,未來,臺灣會持續提升自我防衛力量,也期盼跟美國在安全、經貿、能源等領域進一步強化夥伴關係,並加強在關鍵及創新科技的合作,一起打造安全與堅韌的「非紅供應鏈」,確保臺灣、美國與全球民主夥伴,持續保有科技優勢。 總統相信,臺美交流合作越緊密,不僅有利於雙方國家安全發展,更是符合臺灣、美國共同的經濟利益。他要感謝博明副國安顧問和蒙哥馬利海軍少將來訪,持續增進臺美交流,更展現對臺灣的堅定支持。期待未來繼續一起努力深化臺美關係,並祝訪賓行程圓滿順利。 博明副國安顧問致詞時,首先恭賀賴總統當選總統1周年及臺灣在經濟上的亮眼表現。並談到,賴總統日前宣示要讓臺灣國防預算達到GDP 3%以上的目標,這與美國國防預算比例相當接近,對於臺美兩國增加嚇阻力量是很好的開端。 博明副國安顧問表示,賴總統致詞時談到「靠實力達到和平」,他認為這是當前獨裁、侵略性政府逐漸崛起的時刻,美國與臺灣正確的方向。美國前總統華盛頓在其首次就職演說中曾說,維持和平最好的方式,就是隨時準備應戰,這也是「靠實力達到和平」的意涵。他也期待與賴總統就相關議題進行意見交流。 訪賓一行由外交部長林佳龍陪同,前來總統府晉見總統,國家安全會議秘書長吳釗燮也在座。
總統主持國安高層會議會後記者會 宣布臺美關係、半導體產業發展及兩岸關係三大面向國家策略方案
賴清德總統今(14)日上午召開國家安全高層會議,並於會後主持記者會,宣布新的一年,政府將優先編列特別預算,讓國防預算達到GDP 3% 以上的目標,並持續推動國防改革、國安法制改革,以及「立足臺灣,布局全球」的經貿戰略等三大工作;並在臺美關係、半導體產業發展及兩岸關係三大面向,提出明確的國家策略方案。 總統指出,他已責成國安和行政團隊,在穩健的戰略目標下,確實依據所提出的各項政策以及工作方向,儘速展開行動,拿出成果,同時更要隨時緊盯國際情勢的變化,掌握機先,具體回應國民的關注與期待。並盼國人堅定信念,攜手同心,在亂局中站穩腳步,在變局中尋求制勝之道,他相信臺灣定能克服種種困難,再次通過時代考驗。 總統致詞內容為: 首先,我要針對發生在臺中新光三越百貨的不幸事件造成多人傷亡,表達哀悼之意,同時,我已經請行政院卓榮泰院長率領相關部會,協助臺中市政府積極來解決各項問題,我也希望後續問題都能夠順利解決。 稍早,我召開了國家安全高層會議,以下我將就今天會議的討論,向全體國人進行報告: 2025年,是充滿挑戰的一年!也是充滿希望的一年! 當前的全球情勢,民主世界正面臨來自威權集團合流的共同威脅,中國過剩產能的傾銷、不公平競爭對全球經濟秩序造成破壞;新的一年開始,美國新政府組成之後,為了因應內外挑戰,採取與過去截然不同的戰略與政策作為,包括我國在內,全球每一個國家正同時面臨新一階段的變動與挑戰。 面對變局,如何確保國家安全、確保臺灣在全球供應鏈上的不可或缺,以及確保國家在挑戰中持續進步發展,都是國家今年最重要的課題,也是今天我們召開國安高層會議的原因。 今天的會議,我和國安團隊以及卓榮泰院長率領的行政團隊,綜合了當前國內外整體情勢,以及團隊預為研擬的因應策略,進行了深入的研討,我們歸納了以下幾點,將作為新一階段推動國家安全與發展的整體策略: 首先,在總體國家安全方面,為了確保國民的自由民主人權,以及國家的進步發展,面對來自威權集團的各種威脅,臺灣都必須堅定地守護國家主權、強化自我防衛決心,鞏固國防;增強經濟韌性,維護經濟自主性,並且堅定地與民主國家站在一起,深化與理念相近國家的戰略夥伴關係。就如同我過去曾經說過,「極權主義愈集結,民主國家就應該更團結!」。 為此,新的一年,我們將優先推動以下三大工作: 第一,為展現保護國家的決心,將持續推動國防改革,並落實全社會防衛韌性,優先編列特別預算,讓國防預算達到GDP 3% 以上的目標。 第二,為防制中國統戰、滲透及認知作戰對國安的危害,將持續推動國安法制改革,擴大國家安全網建置,以增強社會抵抗力,並促進內部團結。 第三,為掌握全球供應鏈重組及經濟秩序重建的機會,將持續推動「立足臺灣,布局全球」的經貿戰略,強化高科技保護,和友盟國家合力打造全球民主供應鏈。 接下來,在大家所共同關注的臺美關係、半導體產業發展,以及兩岸關係三大面向,我要提出明確的國家策略方案: 第一,臺美關係。 在臺美關係上,臺灣和美國擁有共同的理念與價值,更是民主自由陣營的堅定夥伴。我們非常感謝川普政府在上任以來對臺灣的持續支持,特別是在美日領袖聯合聲明重申,「維持臺海和平與穩定至關重要,是國際社會安全與繁榮不可或缺的要素」,並且高度關注中國對區域安全所帶來的威脅。 事實上,臺灣的民進黨政府,就是川普總統自第一個任期起就合作無間,並延續至今的國際夥伴之一。多項關鍵的先進武器、攸關臺海區域安全穩定的自由航行,以及許多國際外交上的協助突破,都在這段時間落實。 站在第一島鏈及民主世界對抗威權的前線,臺灣願意,也將持續和美國在各層面的合作,共同追求區域的安定繁榮,實現自由開放的印太願景。未來幾年,或許在政策上各有變動不同,但臺灣和華府之間的互信和緊密合作,將會穩定而持續,國人可以放心。 根據「台灣關係法」及「六項保證」,過去八年美國宣布對臺軍售總計有48項,金額達到262.65億美元,在川普總統的第一個任期內,就有22項,金額達到187.63億美元,對我國防衛能力有重大的幫助。 臺灣將會在過去八年和美國兩任政府緊密合作的基礎上,持續展現自我防衛決心,加速強化國防,繼續提升臺美安全合作的深度和廣度,以及各項制度化的合作。 雙方的經濟合作上,臺灣一直是美國最可靠的貿易夥伴,也是美商在全球半導體產業最重要的合作夥伴。過去幾年,臺灣對美國的直接及間接投資更是大幅提升,截至2024年,就超過1千億美元,創造近40萬個工作機會,2023及2024年臺灣對美國的投資,皆占臺灣整體對外投資比重4成以上,遠超過臺灣對中國的投資,其實2023及2024年臺灣對中國的投資占比分別降至11%以及8%,美國已經是臺灣最大的投資對象。 政府正在啟動相關的規畫,依據國家發展與建立安全供應體系的需要,由行政院全面盤點臺美貿易合作的機會,未來將透過雙方緊密合作,擴大對美國的投資與採購,促進雙邊貿易平衡。政府也將強化臺灣企業增加對美投資的輔導與鼓勵,推進臺灣產業的全球布局與壯大。 同時,我們也將強化臺美在AI、先進半導體等技術開發,還有製造方面的合作,並共同維護半導體市場的秩序,從而形塑臺美策略性經濟合作夥伴關係的新時代。 第二,半導體產業發展。 在半導體產業方面,我要強調,臺灣作為全球最具實力的半導體大國,我們有能力,也有意願來應對新的情勢。 面對川普總統對於我國半導體產業的關切,政府會審慎應對,強化臺美溝通,增進彼此更多的理解。 除了注意協助業者因應情勢的挑戰,我們更將提出「全球半導體民主供應鏈夥伴倡議」,我們願意和美國等民主夥伴共同致力於打造更具韌性、多元化的半導體供應鏈,並運用尖端半導體的優勢,建立AI晶片產業鏈全球聯盟,以及高階晶片關聯產業民主供應鏈,以國際合作共創半導體產業發展的全新局面。 面對川普政府各項新政,我們將持續秉持互惠雙贏的精神,與美國政府保持緊密溝通與協商,讓美方的新政府團隊更完整瞭解,臺灣是美國重建製造業以及鞏固高科技領導地位過程中不可或缺的夥伴,臺美合作將創造共同的雙贏。 第三,兩岸關係。 在區域及兩岸情勢上,臺美關係、美中關係,以及臺美中三方的互動,是全球矚目的焦點。作為國際民主社會以及區域負責任的成員,我們希望臺美關係的發展持續提升,也可以和美中關係形成良性循環,而非此消彼長的零和賽局。 面對中國,臺灣永遠是負責任的一方,我們不卑不亢,堅韌沉穩,在兩岸關係上堅持一貫的立場: 我們捍衛國家主權以及守護民主自由生活方式的決心不變。 我們維護臺海和平穩定,願意和中國共同追求兩岸和平共榮的努力不變。 我們秉持對等尊嚴,推動兩岸健康有序交流,以對話取代對抗、共同增進兩岸人民福祉的承諾不變。 以上向國人所報告的事項,我已經責成國安和行政團隊,在穩健的戰略目標下,確實依據上述所提出的各項政策以及工作方向,儘速展開行動,拿出成果,同時更要隨時緊盯國際情勢的變化,掌握機先,具體回應國民的關注與期待。 各位國人同胞,過去幾年臺灣歷經了全球疫情,也面對美中貿易戰以及俄烏戰事帶來的全球政經挑戰,然而臺灣之所以屹立不搖,並且經濟持續發展,國力持續擴大,在國際的能見度與支持更是前所未有,這是因為臺灣的命運,從來不是取決於外在環境,而是臺灣人不服輸的決心和團結,獨特的全球局勢,正為獨一無二的臺灣人創造了新的戰略機會,帶來新的希望。 臺灣基礎穩固,實力堅強。只要大家堅定信念,願意攜手同心,在亂局中站穩腳步,在變局中尋求制勝之道,臺灣必定能夠再次通過時代考驗,我相信沒有什麼困難是臺灣沒有辦法克服的。謝謝大家。 包括副總統蕭美琴、總統府秘書長潘孟安、國家安全會議秘書長吳釗燮、總統府副秘書長張惇涵等亦出席是項記者會。
總統主持國安高層會議會後記者會 宣布臺美關係、半導體產業發展及兩岸關係三大面向國家策略方案
賴清德總統今(14)日上午召開國家安全高層會議,並於會後主持記者會,宣布新的一年,政府將優先編列特別預算,讓國防預算達到GDP 3% 以上的目標,並持續推動國防改革、國安法制改革,以及「立足臺灣,布局全球」的經貿戰略等三大工作;並在臺美關係、半導體產業發展及兩岸關係三大面向,提出明確的國家策略方案。 總統指出,他已責成國安和行政團隊,在穩健的戰略目標下,確實依據所提出的各項政策以及工作方向,儘速展開行動,拿出成果,同時更要隨時緊盯國際情勢的變化,掌握機先,具體回應國民的關注與期待。並盼國人堅定信念,攜手同心,在亂局中站穩腳步,在變局中尋求制勝之道,他相信臺灣定能克服種種困難,再次通過時代考驗。 總統致詞內容為: 首先,我要針對發生在臺中新光三越百貨的不幸事件造成多人傷亡,表達哀悼之意,同時,我已經請行政院卓榮泰院長率領相關部會,協助臺中市政府積極來解決各項問題,我也希望後續問題都能夠順利解決。 稍早,我召開了國家安全高層會議,以下我將就今天會議的討論,向全體國人進行報告: 2025年,是充滿挑戰的一年!也是充滿希望的一年! 當前的全球情勢,民主世界正面臨來自威權集團合流的共同威脅,中國過剩產能的傾銷、不公平競爭對全球經濟秩序造成破壞;新的一年開始,美國新政府組成之後,為了因應內外挑戰,採取與過去截然不同的戰略與政策作為,包括我國在內,全球每一個國家正同時面臨新一階段的變動與挑戰。 面對變局,如何確保國家安全、確保臺灣在全球供應鏈上的不可或缺,以及確保國家在挑戰中持續進步發展,都是國家今年最重要的課題,也是今天我們召開國安高層會議的原因。 今天的會議,我和國安團隊以及卓榮泰院長率領的行政團隊,綜合了當前國內外整體情勢,以及團隊預為研擬的因應策略,進行了深入的研討,我們歸納了以下幾點,將作為新一階段推動國家安全與發展的整體策略: 首先,在總體國家安全方面,為了確保國民的自由民主人權,以及國家的進步發展,面對來自威權集團的各種威脅,臺灣都必須堅定地守護國家主權、強化自我防衛決心,鞏固國防;增強經濟韌性,維護經濟自主性,並且堅定地與民主國家站在一起,深化與理念相近國家的戰略夥伴關係。就如同我過去曾經說過,「極權主義愈集結,民主國家就應該更團結!」。 為此,新的一年,我們將優先推動以下三大工作: 第一,為展現保護國家的決心,將持續推動國防改革,並落實全社會防衛韌性,優先編列特別預算,讓國防預算達到GDP 3% 以上的目標。 第二,為防制中國統戰、滲透及認知作戰對國安的危害,將持續推動國安法制改革,擴大國家安全網建置,以增強社會抵抗力,並促進內部團結。 第三,為掌握全球供應鏈重組及經濟秩序重建的機會,將持續推動「立足臺灣,布局全球」的經貿戰略,強化高科技保護,和友盟國家合力打造全球民主供應鏈。 接下來,在大家所共同關注的臺美關係、半導體產業發展,以及兩岸關係三大面向,我要提出明確的國家策略方案: 第一,臺美關係。 在臺美關係上,臺灣和美國擁有共同的理念與價值,更是民主自由陣營的堅定夥伴。我們非常感謝川普政府在上任以來對臺灣的持續支持,特別是在美日領袖聯合聲明重申,「維持臺海和平與穩定至關重要,是國際社會安全與繁榮不可或缺的要素」,並且高度關注中國對區域安全所帶來的威脅。 事實上,臺灣的民進黨政府,就是川普總統自第一個任期起就合作無間,並延續至今的國際夥伴之一。多項關鍵的先進武器、攸關臺海區域安全穩定的自由航行,以及許多國際外交上的協助突破,都在這段時間落實。 站在第一島鏈及民主世界對抗威權的前線,臺灣願意,也將持續和美國在各層面的合作,共同追求區域的安定繁榮,實現自由開放的印太願景。未來幾年,或許在政策上各有變動不同,但臺灣和華府之間的互信和緊密合作,將會穩定而持續,國人可以放心。 根據「台灣關係法」及「六項保證」,過去八年美國宣布對臺軍售總計有48項,金額達到262.65億美元,在川普總統的第一個任期內,就有22項,金額達到187.63億美元,對我國防衛能力有重大的幫助。 臺灣將會在過去八年和美國兩任政府緊密合作的基礎上,持續展現自我防衛決心,加速強化國防,繼續提升臺美安全合作的深度和廣度,以及各項制度化的合作。 雙方的經濟合作上,臺灣一直是美國最可靠的貿易夥伴,也是美商在全球半導體產業最重要的合作夥伴。過去幾年,臺灣對美國的直接及間接投資更是大幅提升,截至2024年,就超過1千億美元,創造近40萬個工作機會,2023及2024年臺灣對美國的投資,皆占臺灣整體對外投資比重4成以上,遠超過臺灣對中國的投資,其實2023及2024年臺灣對中國的投資占比分別降至11%以及8%,美國已經是臺灣最大的投資對象。 政府正在啟動相關的規畫,依據國家發展與建立安全供應體系的需要,由行政院全面盤點臺美貿易合作的機會,未來將透過雙方緊密合作,擴大對美國的投資與採購,促進雙邊貿易平衡。政府也將強化臺灣企業增加對美投資的輔導與鼓勵,推進臺灣產業的全球布局與壯大。 同時,我們也將強化臺美在AI、先進半導體等技術開發,還有製造方面的合作,並共同維護半導體市場的秩序,從而形塑臺美策略性經濟合作夥伴關係的新時代。 第二,半導體產業發展。 在半導體產業方面,我要強調,臺灣作為全球最具實力的半導體大國,我們有能力,也有意願來應對新的情勢。 面對川普總統對於我國半導體產業的關切,政府會審慎應對,強化臺美溝通,增進彼此更多的理解。 除了注意協助業者因應情勢的挑戰,我們更將提出「全球半導體民主供應鏈夥伴倡議」,我們願意和美國等民主夥伴共同致力於打造更具韌性、多元化的半導體供應鏈,並運用尖端半導體的優勢,建立AI晶片產業鏈全球聯盟,以及高階晶片關聯產業民主供應鏈,以國際合作共創半導體產業發展的全新局面。 面對川普政府各項新政,我們將持續秉持互惠雙贏的精神,與美國政府保持緊密溝通與協商,讓美方的新政府團隊更完整瞭解,臺灣是美國重建製造業以及鞏固高科技領導地位過程中不可或缺的夥伴,臺美合作將創造共同的雙贏。 第三,兩岸關係。 在區域及兩岸情勢上,臺美關係、美中關係,以及臺美中三方的互動,是全球矚目的焦點。作為國際民主社會以及區域負責任的成員,我們希望臺美關係的發展持續提升,也可以和美中關係形成良性循環,而非此消彼長的零和賽局。 面對中國,臺灣永遠是負責任的一方,我們不卑不亢,堅韌沉穩,在兩岸關係上堅持一貫的立場: 我們捍衛國家主權以及守護民主自由生活方式的決心不變。 我們維護臺海和平穩定,願意和中國共同追求兩岸和平共榮的努力不變。 我們秉持對等尊嚴,推動兩岸健康有序交流,以對話取代對抗、共同增進兩岸人民福祉的承諾不變。 以上向國人所報告的事項,我已經責成國安和行政團隊,在穩健的戰略目標下,確實依據上述所提出的各項政策以及工作方向,儘速展開行動,拿出成果,同時更要隨時緊盯國際情勢的變化,掌握機先,具體回應國民的關注與期待。 各位國人同胞,過去幾年臺灣歷經了全球疫情,也面對美中貿易戰以及俄烏戰事帶來的全球政經挑戰,然而臺灣之所以屹立不搖,並且經濟持續發展,國力持續擴大,在國際的能見度與支持更是前所未有,這是因為臺灣的命運,從來不是取決於外在環境,而是臺灣人不服輸的決心和團結,獨特的全球局勢,正為獨一無二的臺灣人創造了新的戰略機會,帶來新的希望。 臺灣基礎穩固,實力堅強。只要大家堅定信念,願意攜手同心,在亂局中站穩腳步,在變局中尋求制勝之道,臺灣必定能夠再次通過時代考驗,我相信沒有什麼困難是臺灣沒有辦法克服的。謝謝大家。 包括副總統蕭美琴、總統府秘書長潘孟安、國家安全會議秘書長吳釗燮、總統府副秘書長張惇涵等亦出席是項記者會。