





瑞士蒙太拿論壇(CRANS MONTANA FORUM)成立於一九八九年東歐解體時,雖以促進東歐及中東經貿發展為重點,惟其活動已漸受國際人士重視。蒙太拿論壇每年邀約來賓六百名,其中商界三五○名、政界一五○名。政界例有全球包括國家元首及政府部長級等高層人士與會。




各位女士、各位先生:欣逢蒙太拿論壇舉行第六屆會議,本人謹向 貴論壇以及與會的各位貴賓申致衷心之賀意。各位的集思廣益,必能為國際間的瞭解與合作,作出寶貴的貢獻。身為國際社會一個極具建設性的成員,在台灣的中華民國,充分支持各位崇高的努力。















A Message to
the Sixth Conference of the Crans Montana Forum 
H. E. Lee Teng-hui
President of the Republic of China .

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On the auspicious occasion of the Sixth Conference of the Crans Montana Forum, I would like to extend to this forum and all its participants my hearty congratulations. I am confident that, through your collective deliberations, you will make invaluable contributions to the promotion of international understanding and cooperation. As a constructive member of the international community, the Republic of China on Taiwan fully supports your noble endeavors.

For many of our European friends, Taiwan is perhaps but a remote and tiny island on the world map. So now, if I may, I would like to tell you a little bit about my country, the Republic of China on Taiwan.

With an area of 36,000 square kilometers, Taiwan is slightly smaller than Switzerland. Most of the island is mountainous, and only one quarter of the land is arable. We have almost no natural resources to speak of, yet, with a population of 21 million, we have the second highest population density in the world, slightly higher than the Netherland's.

By the end of World War Two, Taiwan was devastated, and per capita income on the island was barely 50 U. S. dollars. But, thanks to the joint efforts of our people over the past forty years, our per capita income is now 240 times higher, having reached 12,000 U.S. dollars. Our economy has grown an average of 8 percent per year over the last two decades, while inflation and unemployment have been kept to a bare minimum. We are now the world's 14th largest trading nation and 19th largest economy. Our foreign exchange reserves, which everyone talks so much about, recently surpassed 100 billion U. S. dollars -- second most in the world.

Last year, over 4.5 million of our people traveled abroad, and the number visiting Europe grew dramatically. Taiwan's imports from and exports to Europe maintained their upwards momentum in 1994, totaling 15.9 billion U.S. dollars and 12.9 billion U.S. dollars respectively. Since the beginning of this year, the ROC on Taiwan has allowed visitors from most European countries (including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) to spend up to 14 days in Taiwan without a visa. We attach great importance to the Schengen Convention's provision of favorable visa measures to ROC citizens. This will have a substantial and beneficial impact by speeding up business, cultural, and tourist exchanges.

We are now developing Taiwan as an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center. Once we have accomplished this goal, Taiwan will be a hub of economic development and cooperation in the Western Pacific. We hope that countries outside of this region will realize that by coming to Taiwan they will be entering a portal to the entire Asia-Pacific region.

While small in area, Taiwan has made tremendous strides and possesses remarkable strength and vitality. We are determined to build the Republic of China into a modem nation where the Chinese cultural heritage will continue to flourish.

We have, in recent years, vigorously pursued democratization, and our citizens now enjoy freedom and democracy unprecedented in the history of the Chinese people. All local and national representatives as well as all heads of city, county, and provincial governments are now directly elected by the people. Next March, the people will also directly elect the president and vice president.

The Republic of China has obviously made the transition to a complete system of democracy in which sovereignty rests with the people. Most significantly, this transition has generally been peaceful, with few disturbances and no bloodshed. Ours is indeed a unique case among the stories of developing nations. Some people have called it a miracle, while others have named it the " Quiet Revolution. "

While the Republic of China on Taiwan is sometimes unjustly limited by the constraints of traditional international law and is thus unable to enjoy official diplomatic relations with most countries, it is still able to maintain very close cooperative relations with over 140 countries in such realms as trade, science and technology, and culture. We have also dispatched 44 technical missions to 33 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to provide technical assistance in agriculture, fishery, handicrafts, and medical services.

We are, after Japan, the second largest investor in Southeast Asia, having invested over 16 billion U.S. dollars in that region. Our private investment in the Chinese mainland could be as high as 22.6 billion U.S. dollars. This investment capital has helped the mainland's economic development and testifies to our goodwill in promoting better relations between Taiwan and the mainland.

With such phenomenal economic development and democratization, our people earnestly hope that we can participate in more international organizations, particularly the United Nations and its specialized agencies. I must point out that, in joining the international organizations, we have no intention of challenging Peking's seat. The ROC's policy has always been to seek national unification. We simply hope that, prior to the unification of the Chinese nation, the 21 million people in Taiwan can enjoy not only the dignity and rights due to them but also the opportunity to fulfill their obligations by contributing to the international community.

Our existence is a fact.

Our strength may not be ignored. 

Our goodwill is obvious to all.

At this point, I would like to invite you to get to know us better and to make friends with the 21 million people of the Republic of China on Taiwan. We hope that all nations in the world can cooperate and advance together. Let us work hand-in-hand to realize our hope for a world without hostility or confrontation.

Ladies and Gentlemen; If you have any questions that you would like to ask, I will ask my minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. P. K. Chiang, who is now with you in the conference, to take up your questions. Thank you.

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