










中華民國為亞洲第一個民主共和國,是 國父秉持三民主義主權在民理想,領導萬千先進志士,外抗強權侵略,內爭民主人權,前仆後繼,百折不回,所艱辛創立的劃時代偉業。世界潮流顯示,中華民國的創立,不僅是中國人民實現民主政治理想的寶貴結晶,也是人類追求文明新境再創生機的光榮成就。


然而,歷史的發展難免曲折起伏。在抗日戰爭勝利,以至臺灣光復,國家命運即將邁向光明新境之際,中共卻在蘇聯勢力的卵翼下,全面發動內戰,大肆配合統戰策略,文武並進,明暗互用,導致山河不幸變色,中華民國政府播遷來臺。幸賴先總統 蔣公及故總統 經國先生,堅定立足臺、澎、金、馬,團結海內外同胞,生聚教訓,捍衛此一復興基地,使中華民國民主憲政體制危而復安,進而維繫了中國人民追求民主自由的機運。



各位先生、各位女士:沒有四十多年來臺、澎、金、馬的生聚教訓,就沒有今天中華民國的存在發展;而沒有今天中華民國的存在發展,就沒有未來中華民族的振興昌大。「經營大臺灣,建立新中原」,既體現過去我們艱苦奮鬥、彌足珍貴的實質內涵,更揭示當前我們意志昂揚、再創新局的遠大理想。最近幾年,我們秉持 國父主權在民理念,全力推動民主改革和社會建設,不僅激發國人旺盛鬥志,蔚為國勢再創新境的強大原動力;更使傳統的歷史文明,增添嶄新的光輝。事實證明,「經營大臺灣,建立新中原」是我們捍衛中華民國、振興中華民族,必須貫徹實現的奮鬥志業!


為達到此一目的,政府目前正集思廣益,積極檢討行政、司法、教育、文化等四項革新方案,並將加速推動,力求績效。而盱衡現實情勢,尤須將強化治安、提升廉政、普及福利、重視環保、鞏固國防、發展科技等六項施政,列為政府當前的優先要務。凡此都是精進民主改革與落實民生福祉的重要施政,我們貫徹執行的決心絕不猶豫,追求成功的信念也絕無妥協。 展望未來國家發展方向,我們雖因目標明確,意志昂揚而深具自信;但最重要的,仍有賴全民發揮國家主人的自覺意識,展現國家主人的責任感,協同政府推動全方位政策,達成全方位進步。登輝在此必須懇切指出,民主激發個人自由意志,目的不在分散力量,而是在平等參與的基礎上,重新凝聚,更求團結,形成牢不可破的生命共同體,增進更大的共同福祉。只要如此,我們必能夠克服任何橫逆,創造優勢,奠定國家永續發展的堅實基礎。


National Day Message

Lee Teng-hui


Republic of China

October 10, 1995

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today is the 84th National Day of the Republic of China, a time for us to commemorate the accomplishments of our forefathers and also to plan the course of our future development. This year's National Day celebrations hold even greater significance because this year also marks the 50th anniversary of our victory in the War of Resistance against Japan and the subsequent retrocession of Taiwan.

The Republic of China is Asia's first democratic republic. Dr. Sun Yat-sen founded the ROC on the ideal that ""power lies with the people"" embodied in his Three Principles of the People. He led thousands of his compatriots, wave after wave, into a sustained campaign fighting against foreign aggression and fighting for democracy and human rights relentlessly and fearlessly. History shows that the founding of the Republic of China is not just the priceless product of the Chinese people's efforts to implement democracy, but also a glorious accomplishment for all humanity in its pursuit of a higher plane of civilization.

The past eighty-four years tell us that the ROC has been continually battered by hostile forces both internally and externally ever since its founding. But our entire citizenry has never relinquished its determination to safeguard national dignity and uphold democratic ideals. During the process of our democratic revolution, we persevered through the revival of monarchy, fighting among warlords, and Japanese invasion. Although the very existence of our nation was threatened quite a number of times, the entire citizenry was able to rise up in solidarity, demonstrating again and again its unparalleled courage and firm resolution to ultimately lay a lasting foundation for the nation.

However, the course of history is inevitably checkered with twists and turns. After we won the War of Resistance against Japan and restored Taiwan to the Republic of China in 1945, the national destiny started to move in a bright new direction. But then the Chinese Communists, under the aegis of the Soviet Union, started an all-out civil war using overt and covert military and non-military stratagems in an attempt to overthrow the government. This resulted in the ROC government's relocation to Taiwan. Fortunately, the late presidents Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo firmly stood their ground on Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, uniting the Chinese at home and abroad to lick their wounds and to learn a lesson from the past for the defense of this bastion of national survival. As a result, they saved the ROC's constitutional democracy and safeguarded the Chinese people in their pursuit of democracy and freedom.

Looking back at the past forty-some arduous years, we, resolute and determined, have overcome innumerable obstacles and achieved many breakthroughs. In economic development, we have transformed the ROC from an economic backwater into one of the world's major trading nations. In political reform, we have evolved from a closed and authoritarian society into a free and open democracy. Simultaneous attention to economic development and political reform has ensured success in creating a new era in Chinese history and writing a new page in the history of the world. Our progress fully demonstrates that the ROC government is capable of building a modern society and providing its people with a modern standard of living.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is indeed an historical misfortune that China is now divided and under separate jurisdictions. Disparities in political development and economic progress between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are great. Yet, we have never wavered from our mission to achieve national reunification. On the contrary, our unremitting efforts over the past forty-some years have all been aimed at establishing a model that can be followed by a united China. Eight years ago, the Chinese people on Taiwan and the mainland put an end to long-term separation and confrontation, opening up a diverse two-way exchange across the Taiwan Straits. If, at this crucial moment, the Peking authorities could renounce their antagonism and seek cooperation, this would create an excellent opportunity for the two sides to nurture mutual trust and engage in interaction and peaceful competition. However, their inability to break out of their ideological rut and insistence on doctrine present huge obstacles to reunification.

Let me solemnly point out here that the Guidelines for National Unification that we are promoting are a well-planned policy of foresight and vision. This policy contains not a single trace of impractical arrogance or retreat from our rightful position. Considering the great political and economic discrepancy between Taiwan and the mainland, we should all the more dedicate our utmost efforts and proceed in an orderly manner toward achieving the reunification objectives of democracy, freedom, and equitable prosperity as outlined in the Guidelines. The mainland authorities should hold the people's wishes in their hearts, strive to accord better political and economic treatment to our 1.2 billion compatriots across the Straits. This would be the proper way to narrow the gap in living standards between the two sides and build a solid foundation for reunification. Meanwhile, prior to reunification, the Republic of China's efforts to develop its foreign relations and actively fulfill its obligation to promote international prosperity and stability should be welcome in the world and are absolutely necessary for our national existence and development. Our objective is not to hurt anyone, so we shall likewise not yield to pressure from anyone.

Ladies and gentlemen: Without the perseverance of the people on Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu over the past four decades, the Republic of China would not be standing firm and thriving today. Without the ROC's existence and advancement, there would be no vigorous or dynamic future for the Chinese people. By managing the great Taiwan and nurturing a new Chinese culture, we wil l be manifesting the essence of our past struggles. We will also be demonstrating our high morale, strong wil l and farsighted vision as we create a new ideal. In the past few years, we have upheld the vision of popular sovereignty propounded by our founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Through political reform and social development , we have motivated our people to strive for improvement. This will push our nation to new heights and thus add new splendor to our traditional and historical civilization . Realities have proved that we must manage the great Taiwan and nurture a new Chinese culture ln order to safeguard the Republic of China and reinvigorate t he Chinese people.

The base to ""managing the great Taiwan"" lies in our solid economic strength. Over the last few years, we have, through effective democratic reforms, achieved new breakthroughs, attained new heights, and advanced into new realms, freeing our economy from innumerable constraints and creating an infinite vitality. Today, we must raise our efficiency and maintain discipline as we stand firm on this new foundation of democratic development. We must establish a regulatory mechanism to ensure the integrity and honesty of our government officials and offer optimal services to the business and commercial sectors. We must simultaneously raise community consciousness at the grassroots level, make a balanced allocation of social resources, improve the lives of the aged, feeble and handicapped, and establish a comprehensive social security system. In this way, the fruits of our cultural development and economic prosperity will be shared by the entire population. The government must especially make effective use of the authority vested in it by the public, strictly enforce the law, make a clear distinction between good and bad, uphold social justice, and ensure social peace and order, so that our people may enjoy freedom from fear.

Toward this end, the government is currently deliberating how to promote administrative, judicial, educational, and cultural reforms, which will be implemented quickly and effectively. In light of the current situation, we must regard fighting crime, raising administrative integrity, broadening the welfare base, consolidating environmental protection, strengthening national defense, and promoting technological development as the government's top priorities. All these are essential to our democratic reform and the people's welfare.

Indeed, we are determined to implement these measures and are confident that we will succeed.

Because we have a clear and definite direction for the future of our country, we are in high spirits and full of self-confidence. Yet, most important of all, the people must develop their self-awareness and assume their responsibilities as masters of the nation so that they may assist the government in implementing multidimensional policies and achieving comprehensive progress. On this occasion, I must sincerely point out that democracy stimulates the exercise of individual free will not to dissipate our energies but to bring us together in a new way, on the basis of equal participation, so that we may become closer-knit and establish an unbreakable organismic community, and to increase the well-being of the people. If we act in this way, we will certainly overcome all obstacles, create new advantages, and lay a solid foundation for our nation's continued development.

Ladies and gentlemen: Today, our national development has reached another peak and our social development is about to enter a new phase. As we celebrate the eighty-fourth ROC National Day, our goals become clearer, and our confidence is strengthened. How fortunate we are to live in this great era and take part in the rapid progress of our nation! Let us all be proud of being people of the Republic of China, and aspire to advance our nation even further. May we join hands and make concerted efforts for an even brighter tomorrow! Thank you!

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