

詞彙 英譯文
洛書勳章 Order of Book of Nature
為台灣尋找在國際新秩序中的位置 find Taiwan's place in the new international order
相互扶持、走向世界 support each other and engage with the world
科長 section chief
科員 officer
英捷專案 Ing-Jie Project
英翔專案 Ing-Hsiang Project ("Hsiang" means to take flight in Mandarin Chinese)
負責任的利害關係者 responsible stakeholder
重建原民史觀,逐步推動自治,復育語言文化,提升生活照顧 rebuild an indigenous historical perspective, progressively promote indigenous autonomous governance, restore indigenous languages and cultures, and improve the livelihood of indigenous communities
重新分配公共資源,建立更為公平的社會福利制度 redistribute public resources for a fairer welfare system
降低敵對狀態,和平處理爭端 reduction of hostility and peaceful handling of disputes
食安五環  Five Links of Food Safety
卿雲勳章 Order of Propitious Clouds
捍衛台灣的民主自由 safeguard Taiwan's democracy and freedom
書記 associate clerk
海上執法不使用武力、執法前相互通報,以及若有拘捕或扣押應儘速釋放 refraining from using force in law enforcement actions, notifying each other prior to such actions, and promptly releasing detained fishing vessels and crews in case of arrest
海洋國家,民主永續 maritime nations, sustainable democracy
海洋經濟的活力和靭性、務實可靠的工程師文化、完整的產業鏈、敏捷靈活的中小企業、永不屈服的創業精神 the vibrancy and resilience of a maritime economy, the pragmatic and reliable culture of engineers, a well-developed industrial chain, nimble and agile small and medium enterprises, our relentless entrepreneurial spirit
海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議 Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)
真相與和解委員會 Truth and Reconciliation Commission
第8 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs