

詞彙 英譯文
打造一個多元平等的國家 build a country of true diversity and equality
打造一個沒有被意識形態綁架的「團結的民主」 to build a "united democracy" that is not hijacked by ideology
打造一個能夠實質照料人民的「務實的民主」 to build a "pragmatic democracy" that takes care of the people
打造成一個公義、繁榮、安全的臺灣 to build a just, prosperous, and secure Taiwan
打造專業與中立的司法體系 create a professional and impartial judicial system
正大門 Main Entrance
永續南島‧攜手共好 Sustainable Austronesia, Working Together for a Better Future
任免文武官員 appoint and remove civil and military officials
全面擴大基礎建設投資 expand infrastructure investment across-the-board
向上看齊、向下扎根 set standards higher while getting more deeply involved in society
因理念而結合的,才是無可取代的友誼。 A friendship, to be irreplaceable, must be based on shared beliefs.
因應氣候變遷的防洪及抗旱工程 engineering projects to combat flooding and droughts likely to accompany climate change
回復名譽證書 certificates of restored reputation
在和平、人道、生態及永續的價值之上,持續維護南海航行和飛越自由 safeguard freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, based on the values of peace, humanitarianism, ecology, and sustainability
多元聲音,全民參與  diverse voices and broad popular participation
年金改革國是會議 National Conference on Pension Reform
兌現承諾,衝刺改革 fulfill our commitments and accelerate reform
助理管理師 assistant systems coordinator
局長 director-general
我們不會屈服於壓力,也不會走回對抗的老路 We will not bow to pressure, and we will of course not revert to the old path of confrontation.
第5 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs