

詞彙 英譯文
景星勳章 Order of Brilliant Star
朝向非核與減碳的能源轉型所需要的基礎建設 infrastructure is needed to support a shift to non-nuclear and low-carbon sources of energy
渭水廳 Chiang Wei-shui Hall
發布命令 issue mandates
發布緊急命令 issue emergency orders
開放參觀 Presidential Office Open House Tour
開創臺海和平,邁向區域繁榮 pioneering peace in the Taiwan Strait, primed for regional prosperity
雲麾勳章 Order of Resplendent Banner
傾聽青年心聲 實現世代正義 listening to youth, realizing generational justice
新南向政策 New Southbound Policy
新南向國家  the countries targeted by the New Southbound Policy / New Southbound countries
照顧弱勢,實現公義 care for the disadvantaged and realize social justice
當我們正視挑戰的時候,也就是我們看見機會的時候 When we squarely face challenges, we will see opportunities.
節能減碳 conserving energy and reducing carbon emissions
經國廳 Ching-kuo Hall
經濟共同體意識  a sense of economic community
經濟社會與文化國際公約 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
解嚴 terminate martial law
資金、技術提供者 a provider of capital and technology
資政 senior advisor to the president
第11 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs