

詞彙 英譯文
專員 executive officer
強化基礎科學研究所需要的基礎建設 strengthen the infrastructure needed for basic scientific research
掩蓋就沒有諒解,和解必須奠基在真相之上 Covering up the past precludes the possibility of forgiveness. Reconciliation must be based on truth.
推動「創新、就業、分配」為核心思維的經濟發展新模式 to establish an economic development model based on the core concepts of innovation, employment, and equitable distribution
授與榮典 confer honors and decorations
族群主流化 ethnic mainstreaming
烽火外交 scorched earth diplomacy
第一局 First Bureau
第二局 Second Bureau
第三局 Third Bureau
組長 section chief
設計師 systems designer
軟實力 soft power
這是臺灣人力量的延伸,這是一個臺灣人驕傲的所在。 This is an extension of the power of Taiwanese people, and a source of their pride.
這個國家曾經走過威權統治、走過族群對立、也曾經走過國家認同的尖銳對立。 This country has been through authoritarian rule and social conflict, and it has endured sharp differences on the question of national identity.
透過多邊的協商,共謀爭端的和平解決 settle peacefully through multilateral negotiations
麻煩製造者 troublemaker
創新者、分享者及服務者 innovators, sharers, and providers of service
復興榮譽勳章 Order of Renaissance and Honour
提振國內經濟活力,帶領臺灣脫離長期的困境 to revitalize our domestic economy and lead Taiwan out of its extended period of economic sluggishness
第10 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs