

詞彙 英譯文
河圖勳章 Order of Cosmic Diagram
法官和檢察官進用和淘汰機制的改革 reform the mechanism for the appointment and replacement of judges and prosecutors
法規委員會 Legal Affairs Committee
爭取民主,追求自由 strive for democracy, pursue freedom.
采玉大勳章 Order of Brilliant Jade with Grand Cordon
金援外交;支票(簿)外交 checkbook diplomacy
金錢外交 dollar diplomacy
青天白日勳章 Order of Blue Sky and White Sun with Grand Cordon
保衛南海疆土、維護區域和平  protect our territories in the South China Sea and safeguard regional peace
南苑 South Courtyard
南海區域的人道救援中心與運補基地 a base for humanitarian assistance and supply in the South China Sea
宣布戒嚴 declare martial law
宣戰媾和 declare war and make peace
建立人民參與審判的制度 establish a system by which the public can participate in court trials
建立具一致性、可預測和可持續性的兩岸關係 forge a consistent, predictable and sustainable cross-strait relationship
建立務實穩健、可長可久的兩岸關係  establish a pragmatic, stable, and sustainable cross-strait relationship
建立廣泛的對話機制,建立合作共識,減少障礙、降低衝突  to build mechanisms for wide-ranging dialogue to foster consensus on cooperation and reduce barriers
挖掘真相、彌平傷痕、釐清責任 discover the truth, heal wounds, and clarify responsibilities
政風處 Government Ethics Department
活路外交 viable diplomacy
第7 頁 共14頁
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