

詞彙 英譯文
轉型正義 transitional justice
轉型正義的重要元素。說出真相、責任、道歉、擁抱、和解 important elements of transitional justice—speaking the truth, taking responsibility, apologizing, hugging, and reconciliation
醫官 medical officer
釐清真相,提出立法或政策上的建議,促進社會溝通,爭取族群間的和解 clarify historical facts, put forward legislative and policy proposals, spur societal communication, and seek reconciliation among different ethnic groups
釐清歷史真相、促進社會溝通、提出政策建議 clarify historical facts, spur societal communication, and put forward policy proposals
穩健往前走,以腳踏實地、一步一腳印的精神,克服臺灣各項外交挑戰 steadily moving ahead, unwavering and firm in purpose, to overcome Taiwan's various diplomatic challenges
藥劑官 pharmacy officer
寶鼎勳章 Order of Precious Tripod
警衛主任 chief security guard
攜手才能讓彼此更好。 We can only make each other better by working together.
護理官 nursing officer
護理參謀官 nursing staff officer
讓世界看到臺灣 bring worldwide attention to Taiwan
讓臺灣走向世界,讓世界走進臺灣 bringing Taiwan closer to the world, and the world closer to Taiwan
寛頻和超寛頻雲端基礎建設 infrastructure for broadband and super-broadband cloud communications
第14 頁 共14頁
Code Ver.:F201708221923 & F201708221923.cs
Code Ver.:201801051632 & 201801051632.cs