


  第二份文件則是1992年10月底的香港會談,陸方要求就「一個中國」表述方法進行討論,但雙方沒有共識,因此我方在11月3日建議各自以口頭方式表達。 11月16日海協會傳真表示「尊重並接受」海基會建議,也就是兩會針對「一個中國原則」各自以口頭聲明方式表達。我方的建議是陸委會核定的,當時的主委是黃昆輝先生,副主委就是我。
  In conclusion, I would like to say a few words in English. For more than 20 years, there have been three historical documents that verify the existence of the 1992 Consensus, which has been critical to promoting peaceful development in the Taiwan Strait.
  The first document is a resolution of the plenary session of the National Reunification Council passed on August 1st, 1992 with former President Lee Teng-hui presiding as chairman of the conference. The resolution was the meaning of "one China," which stated "Both sides of the Taiwan Strait insist that there is only one China. However, the two sides have different opinions as to the meaning of 'one China.'"
  The second document is from talks that took place in Hong Kong at the end of October, 1992. The mainland side wanted to discuss how "one China" should be interpreted. But no consensus was reached. Shortly thereafter, on November the 3rd, the Straits Exchange Foundation (the SEF) suggested that both sides express their interpretations of "one China" verbally. On November 16th the mainland’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) faxed a response saying that they respected and accepted the SEF's suggestion, and the two bodies gave verbal statements on their respective interpretations of the "one China" principle.
  The third document is from March 26, 2008, four days after Taiwan’s presidential election where I was elected. Mainland Chinese leader Hu Jintao spoke to former US President George W. Bush by phone that day, and proposed that, "Mainland China and Taiwan should restore consultation and talks on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, which sees both sides recognize there is only one China, but agree to differ on its definition."
  In a historical sense, those three documents are all highly significant. The National Unification Council resolution was approved by the ROC’s Head of State. The 1992 document between the SEF and ARATS represents the consensus reached between the parties on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. And the phone exchange between Hu Jintao and George W. Bush confirms that mainland China and the United States both recognize the 1992 Consensus.
  What I want to emphasize is this: The 1992 Consensus is a critically important consensus that has been recognized, and agreed to, by the respective parties. The 1992 Consensus, wherein there is one China, but with respective interpretations, has allowed Taiwan and mainland China to pull back from the brink of war, and move toward cooperative engagement; it transformed potential volatility into peace and prosperity. And at its very core, for us ,the 1992 Consensus is a commitment to upholding the sovereignty of the Republic of China.
  As the past seven years have shown: When we adhere to the 1992 Consensus, cross-strait relations prosper. If we diverge from that Consensus, cross-strait relations will deteriorate. And if we oppose the 1992 Consensus, there will be turmoil in the Taiwan Strait. So in the future, no matter who holds the reins of government, we must continue and consolidate this path. That is the only way to maintain cross-strait peace and stability. It is true that the “92 consensus” has been criticized as a ambiguous concept. Some even calls it ‘a masterpiece of ambiguity”. But so what? As long as it works, and works well.
  In closing, please accept my best wishes for a successful conference, and may you all enjoy peace and prosperity.Thank you!

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